
Phone consultation

I offer all prospective clients a free phone consultation, which lasts about 20 minutes. This is a chance for you to tell me a bit about what you are looking for, ask me questions, and hear more about my practice. This is not a necessary first step, but can be helpful in your research. It is very important that you find a therapist who feels like a good fit.

Initial assessment

When you and I sit down the first time, I will listen to your story and learn as much as I can about your current situation and concerns. Then, I will suggest some options for how we can work together to address those concerns most effectively in your life. I am very flexible in that I am trained in a wide array of approaches, and am happy to work in different ways based on your preferences and needs. I will design your custom treatment plan based on your priorities, and we will adjust that plan as we go, based on your feedback.

Short term psychotherapy

I am very comfortable working with you to see relief and positive change in a short time frame. This style of therapy focuses on improving your functioning at work/school, in relationships, and in emotion regulation through teaching concrete skills and tools. These tools can help you shift your thinking to be more flexible, compassionate, and positive. You can also learn to move stuck emotions through your body and release stress more effectively. Many of my clients find that just a handful of sessions can provide the clear results they are looking for.

In depth psychotherapy

Perhaps you are looking to dig in a bit more, to try to work through more longstanding issues and concerns by identifying relational patterns, or overcoming personal blocks. I also practice psychodynamic psychotherapy, utilizing numerous relational approaches to shift deeper held beliefs about oneself and the world. This style of therapy involves gaining insight through a detailed collaborative analysis of current challenges and how they might be rooted in earlier experiences. I then support you in practicing doing things differently in a very intentional way, both within the therapy and on your own out in the world. This approach can bring about powerful long term change.


If you struggle to manage intense emotions, you may benefit from working to improve your ability to tolerate and process them. For some people, old feelings from unprocessed memories can be triggered by current life events, adding to the challenge of coping. I am a certified provider of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), an evidence based treatment protocol useful in helping people better process emotion and let go of old beliefs and traumas. Through structured sessions utilizing bilateral stimulation, clients enable their brains to integrate and digest painful emotions and experiences, allowing them to be more present in their lives. To read more about how I use EMDR and whether it could be right for you, see my Philosophy page.